What makes Premier Charter School unique:

  • PreK- 8th Grade

  • Located on 22 acres in beautiful South St. Louis City (near "The Hill")

  • Project Based Learning, a teaching approach that elevates student curiosity and empowerment

  • Supportive Professional Growth track including a 3 year coaching process

  • Emphasis on social emotional development including 5 licensed professional counselors with 2 certified in play therapy and school therapy dog

  • Emphasis on Movement and Fun (indoor gyms and fitness center, multiple spaces for outdoor learning and fun)

  • Robust before and after school extracurricular activities (stipends offered for staff to lead-ie including coaching middle school sports)

  • Strong support staff including our own SPED department, OTs, SLPs, PBL coaches, MLL, Behavior Support and Reading specialists

  • Expansive Benefit Package including an on-site daycare for staff members' children

  • Competitive Salary with various options to increase pay (stipends, BAC, Summer School etc.)

We Empower Our Staff to

Be Successful!

إن تمكين موظفينا أمر بالغ الأهمية لاستمرار النمو المهني لفريقنا.

مع التعليم المستمر والموارد خصيصا للمعلمين والموظفين لدينا، ونحن نسعى جاهدين لبناء وتعزيز القادة الذين سوف تفعل أشياء مذهلة في PCS وخارجها.

-Learn المزيد حول تطوير PCS المهنية

نحن نؤمن بأن ثقافة البالغين الإيجابية والصحية ترتبط بشكل مباشر بالبيئة الإيجابية للأطفال.

إن بناء العلاقات هو جوهر ثقافة فريقنا. يمكن وصف ثقافتنا على أفضل النحو بأنها تشعر بالأسرة وأن تعرف دائمًا أن هناك عدد قليل من الموظفين هناك لدعمك في أي وقت.

Click HERE to hear what it is like for our staff to work at Premier Charter School!

تشمل مزايا الموظفين لدينا...


We understand how important medical coverage is to you and your family. Our commitment to you and your family‘s well-being includes medical and prescription drug coverage. Spouses, domestic partners, and children under 26 years may be eligible for coverage. We also offer a High Deductible Health Care Plan with a Health Savings Account (HSA) that includes an employer match of 25% up to $500 per school year.


PCS offers a dental plan that covers preventative care orthodontia in a variety of basic and major services. Spouses domestic partners and children under 26 years old may be eligible for coverage.


PCS offers a vision plan that provides for annual exams, frames, lenses, and contacts. Spouses, domestic partners, and children under 26 years old may be eligible for coverage.

Life Insurance, Accidental Death, and Disability

PCS يوفر التأمين على الحياة / AD والتطوير في مبلغ 1x راتبك السنوي إلى حد أقصى قدره 50،000 دولار. كما تتوفر الحياة التطوعية/AD & D للأزواج والشركاء المنزليين والأطفال.

Short and Long Term Disability

PCS يوفر مجموعة قصيرة وطويلة الأجل تغطية العجز دون أي تكلفة لك. تحل تغطية الأمراض المنقولة جنسياً محل 60٪ من راتبك الأساسي بحد أقصى 1,250 دولار في الأسبوع لمدة 11 أسبوعًا. بعد 90 يوما من العجز، فإن تغطية المحدودة تحل محل 60٪ من الراتب الأساسي إلى حد أقصى قدره 7500 دولار في الشهر.

* بالنسبة لإجازة الأمومة/الأبوة، تدفع 4-6 أسابيع عن طريق العجز القصير الأجل.

Time Off

10 and 12 month team members receive 10 personal/sick days .

12 month team members receive 2 weeks paid vacation.

Team members receive 10 paid days maternity/paternity leave for the birth or adoption of a child. New parents may take additional unpaid time off (following FMLA guidelines). 

Pension and Retirement

Premier Charter School participates in the public school retirement system of the city of St. Louis (PSRSSTL). This is a pension fund where benefits are funded by member contributions, employer contributions, and investment earnings on PSRSSTL assets. Please visit www.psrsst.org for more information.

On-Site Staff Daycare

Having a daycare on-site is an amazing perk of joining the PCS team! Our day-care staff is warm and welcoming and makes you feel like your own family members are taking care of your child. With the convenience of an on-site daycare, you can pop in and see your child in action! For moms who need to breast-feed or pump, this is the perfect opportunity because your child is at work with you. The staff are extremely flexible and willing to help with any situation and accommodate your needs - they have the same school schedule as we do and adjust their hours according to school hours when needed. Ages newborn to five years old with reasonable tuition rates. Based on availability.

Wellness Programs

معرض العافية السنوي مع التركيز على صحة الموظفين والعافية

وجبات خفيفة صحية تقدم على مدار السنة للموظفين والطلاب

Discounted fitness programs on-site (i.e. yoga, step class)

مركز اللياقة البدنية في الموقع متاح للموظفين

أنشطة بناء الفريق بما في ذلك الكرة الطائرة المدرسية، والساعات الاجتماعية، والاحتفالات في منتصف العام، ونهاية العام