2024-2025 Open Positions
Before & After Care (BAC) Recreational Leader
2025-2026 Positions
Elementary (3rd-5th) Classroom Teacher
Elementary Multi-Lingual Learner Teacher (TESOL certified)
Middle School (6th-8th) Classroom Teacher
مدرس دراسات إجتماعية للصف السادس
Writer's Workshop Teacher (Middle School)
Special Education Math Teacher (Middle School)
What makes Premier Charter School unique:
PreK- 8th Grade
Located on 22 acres in beautiful South St. Louis City (near "The Hill")
Project Based Learning, a teaching approach that elevates student curiosity and empowerment
Supportive Professional Growth track including a 3 year coaching process
Emphasis on social emotional development including 5 licensed professional counselors with 2 certified in play therapy and school therapy dog
Emphasis on Movement and Fun (indoor gyms and fitness center, multiple spaces for outdoor learning and fun)
Robust before and after school extracurricular activities (stipends offered for staff to lead-ie including coaching middle school sports)
Strong support staff including our own SPED department, OTs, SLPs, PBL coaches, MLL, Behavior Support and Reading specialists
Expansive Benefit Package including an on-site daycare for staff members' children
Competitive Salary with various options to increase pay (stipends, BAC, Summer School etc.)
We Empower Our Staff to
Be Successful!
إن تمكين موظفينا أمر بالغ الأهمية لاستمرار النمو المهني لفريقنا.
مع التعليم المستمر والموارد خصيصا للمعلمين والموظفين لدينا، ونحن نسعى جاهدين لبناء وتعزيز القادة الذين سوف تفعل أشياء مذهلة في PCS وخارجها.
نحن نؤمن بأن ثقافة البالغين الإيجابية والصحية ترتبط بشكل مباشر بالبيئة الإيجابية للأطفال.
إن بناء العلاقات هو جوهر ثقافة فريقنا. يمكن وصف ثقافتنا على أفضل النحو بأنها تشعر بالأسرة وأن تعرف دائمًا أن هناك عدد قليل من الموظفين هناك لدعمك في أي وقت.
Click HERE to hear what it is like for our staff to work at Premier Charter School!