Middle School Newsletter 10.16.2023

Never, EVER, underestimate the importance of having fun!

Did you know that your child spends 1,274 hours at school each year?  They spend more time (awake) with their peers and teachers than they do at home.  While we are all well aware of the importance of education, I think we often overlook the importance of having fun.  Taking that a step further, we also tend to separate the two: education and fun.  We have this ingrained belief that school isn’t fun.  I wholeheartedly disagree...school can be rigorous and fun simultaneously.  I believe that we absolutely can incorporate fun into the classroom and lessons, so our students and teachers experience the joy of having fun throughout their day. 

I had the most amazing conversation with a teacher last week.  During our time together, I was asking her how she thought the year was going thus far.  As she was sitting silently reflecting for a minute, her response was so simple, yet so powerful.  With a big smile on her face, she said, “I am having so much fun this year”.  We spent the next 10 minutes talking about how her classes have been so incredibly fun. Her joy was contagious, and she confirmed what I believe...school can be FUN.

Teachers understand the importance of incorporating fun into their classrooms now more than ever. They are intentionally building units and lessons that foster curiosity, student voice and choice which increase engagement. Having fun and interactive learning improves learning and creates a positive attitude toward learning. But why does this happen? Why does having fun, enjoyment, engagement, curiosity, and liveliness improve the learning experience? And more generally, why does a good mood enhance our ability to learn? Here is what we do know. Incorporating fun into classroom learning reduces the rigidity of the curriculum which allows for more student-autonomy. It gives a sense of agency to the students. We have an innate need for growth which comes easily if there is autonomy, relatability, and a sense of competence. Fun and play allows for students to maximize all three.

Ms. Cho and Ms. Fuemmeler’s Community Class did an activity that highlighted communication. Each student was given the same set of shapes. They created a design and had to communicate with their partner how to create it. They could not look at each other's design and could only use their words (shape, color, direction, etc.). Students reported that they really enjoyed the activity and many took it further by not using the names of colors or shapes after they were successful the first time.

As we continue to navigate our way through this year we will ensure that we are intentional about ensuring that our students are having fun while they are at school. Once again thank you for your support and trusting us with your precious children. 


ك يم

314.645.9600 (607)~kwright@premiercharterschool.org 


  • October 18- End of 1st Quarter

  • October 20- Picture Day

  • October 21-Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat

  • October 24-26 Book Fair

  • October 25-26 Conferences (Times TBD)

  • October 26- Early Dismissal

  • October 27-No School

  • October 30-Board Meeting and Parent Meet and Greet

  • October 30-Nov 3 Math Spirit Week

  • Nov 2-Math Night

Drop Off Reminder:

Now that we are a few weeks into the school year, we wanted to reiterate that our morning drop off process does not begin until 8:00 am.  Our morning duty staff are not outside to supervise drop off until 8:00 am.  In the interest of student safety, please do not leave your child(ren) unsupervised before morning duty begins.

We recently revised our late pick up policy because of an increase in students being picked up after our dismissal ends at 3:35.  We also have a significant number of unsupervised children in the morning and would like to avoid an additional revision of our drop off/pick up policy.  We appreciate your support in this matter as we work to keep all of our students safe. 

Fall Family Survey:

At PCS, we are all about growth.  We love being a part of our students' growth as they go from kindergarteners just finding their way in the world to curious, empowered middle schoolers ready to take on whatever challenges life holds.

As a school, we constantly strive for growth as well.  And the best resource we have to support our ongoing growth as a school is you and your children.

This week we are going to be asking our 3rd through 8th grade students for their input and feedback through our annual fall student surveys.  We would also love to hear from you.  This link will take you to our fall family survey.  Please take a few minutes and give us your feedback.  We will use what we learn from you as we continually strive to better meet the needs of our students and families.  You can contact Dr. Schrimpf at mschrimpf@premiercharterschool.org with any questions.

أخبار المكتبة:

Fall Book Fair October 23-26th!

Location: Library Building C

Times: Monday and Tuesday 3:30-4:30

Wednesday 3:30-6:30

Thursday 12-5

Can't make it after school? Your child may visit the fair during the school day. Open an ewallet account or send cash in an envelope that has Book Fair, your child's name and the amount written on it!

Visit our Book Fair homepage at bit.ly/pcsfair to open an ewallet account, shop the online fair, view the digital flyer, and more!

We need volunteers! Sign up here  to work the register, straighten shelves, reshelve books, help students and families locate books,  set up, and break down.  Thank you for your support!

Questions? contact Vera Ramsey at vramsey@premiercharterschool.org

Family Math Night:

Get excited for PCS Math Spirit week, 10/30-11/3! Each day that week K-8 grade students will be able to dress up in math themed ways with a family celebration on Thursday, November 2nd from 5:30-7pm.  

Play games as a family, with teachers, and friends! Be entered for raffle prizes! Parents and Guardians get ideas and resources to help your child(ren) at home with math!

Pizza dinner will be provided for attending families, an RSVP for the event will come out soon. Please reach out if you'd like to volunteer that evening or if you have any questions. Christy Wohlgemuth, cwohlgemuth@premiercharterschool.org

Fall Festival:

Fall Festival is just days away! We are all so excited! In order to make this the best fall festival yet we need everyone's help! There are still a lot of volunteer opportunities that need to be filled. Please consider signing up for a spot or two to help give the kids the day they deserve. To show our appreciation or every volunteer who signs up on the sign of genius and shows up to work their shift your child will get one uniform dress down day.

Click HERE to sign up for a volunteer spot!

Kim Wright M.Ed. LPC, RPT

مدير مدرسة متوسطة


Supporting the curious and empowered learner since 2000

National School of Character


Early Childhood Newsletter 10.23.2023


Elementary School Newsletter 10.16.2023