Middle School Newsletter April 25th 2022

زميل شاركني هذا الاقتباس المدهش...

"تحدث إلى أطفالك كما لو كانوا أكثر البشر حكمة ولطف وأجمل وسحر على وجه الأرض، لما يعتقدون أنه ما سيصبحون عليه. "

كما تعلمون الآن، بدأت التفكير في كيفية التحدث إلى ابنتي، فينلي. آمل بالتأكيد أن تقول أنني أجعلها تشعر بهذه الطريقة، ولكن لا أستطيع أن أكون متأكداً من أنها ستفعل ذلك. وأنا أعلم أنها كثيرا ما قال لي أنني فقط التركيز على ما تفعله خطأ أو ما تحتاج إلى "إصلاح". وعلى الرغم من أنني بالتأكيد لا أوافق، لا يهم لأن هذا هو كيف جعلتها تشعر.

I wholeheartedly believe that when I am correcting her it is coming from a place of love and care. Clearly though, that is not always the message she is hearing from me. I think my intent sometimes gets lost in the way I speak to her. I stumbled across this simple article that lists 50 ways to speak to your child positively. The article mentions when parents speak positively to their child they are less likely to have to nag at them. I don’t doubt that this is absolutely true but when you are in that moment when your child still hasn’t cleaned their room or finished their homework it is hard to remain positive. 

I know that I need to remember that in how I use my words with Finnley so that I am lifting her up. As her mother, the person who loves her more than anyone else, my words should be a constant reminder of what a blessing she is...sass and all! I am going to make sure that everyday I shower with an affirmation that reminds her just how incredible she is while also guiding her to make positive changes and choices in her life.

I tell our students all the time the most powerful tool  they have is their words. They can use them to lift someone up or tear them down. I encourage you to have a conversation with your child about how they choose to use their words. And please join me in reminding our children just how much we love them!


ك يم

314.645.9600 (607)~kwright@premiercharterschool.org 

Upcoming Dates:

  • April 25-28-8th Grade MAP testing

  • May 2&3-6th Grade MAP testing

  • Mat  4-6-7th Grade MAP testing

  • May 5-Board Meeting 4:30

  • May 7th-Bingo Night *see attached flyer for updated details

  • May 12-Field Day

  • May 13- No School


Kim Wright M.Ed, LPC, RPT

مدرسة بريميير تشارتر

مدير مدرسة متوسطة



Early Childhood Newsletter April 25th 2022


Elementary School Newsletter April 25th 2022