مدرسة بريميير تشارتر


تمكين المتعلم الغريب.

St. Louis Charter Elementary and Middle School

Why Premier Charter School …

If you’re looking for an award-winning Pre-K, Kindergarten, Elementary, or Middle School located in the heart of south city St. Louis, then PCS is the right choice for your family!  Our highly motivated teachers and state-of-the-art facilities offer a unique learning environment that fosters growth, individuality, and independence, building leaders of tomorrow.  Set your children up for success and discover the difference at Premier Charter School today.    APPLY TODAY!

K-8 Kid at Permier Charter School in St. Louis


We support the curious, empowered learner. At Premier Charter School, we focus on whole child development. We are closing the achievement gap by providing our students with the tools they need to succeed, in school and beyond PCS.

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تقديم تبرع

Support PCS with a donation!

Your support helps us live out our mission statement every day.

All Missouri school students are eligible to participate in Missouri's virtual education program, called MOCAP. If you are interested in your child participating in MOCAP, contact our registrar or your child's principal and we will give you more information about the program and application process. https://mocap.mo.gov/

More information about MOCAP can also be found here: https://mocap.mo.gov/documents/MOCAP.Guidance.pdf

View the MOCAP Enrollment Policy Below ⬇️


حرمنا الجامعي

5279 Fyler Ave , سانت لويس, MO 63139

(314) 645-9600